HNFF Incubator Program selected debute feature projects

5 low-budget projects have been selected for the 2nd Incubator Program, the Fund’s initiative to support first-time directors. From the 69 treatment applications 10 projects were selected to be presented at the Pitch Forum held on 23 November in front of a professional audience. As an extra, the Fund awarded a development prize.

The Hungarian National Film Fund (HNFF) has always been keen to support debut directors – many of these projects are already completed and received international acclaim, among others Laszlo Nemes Cannes Grand Prix, Golden Globe and Oscar winner writer-director of Son of Saul.  

As Ágnes Havas CEO of the Hungarian National Film Fund said “The international success of Son of Saul, Liza the Fox-Fairy, Land of Storms, Afterlife and The Wednesday Child proves that young talent gives inspiration and courage to all generations of Hungarian cinema. To discover and develop young directors is an important goal for the Fund. The newly launched Incubator Program is one of the Fund's new initiatives.” In July 2015, HNFF announced its 1st Incubator Program, where young film graduates were able to apply with a treatment. The Program offers a simple way of applying to the Fund – the aim here is to decrease bureaucracy and focus on the first-time directors’ projects.   For the 2nd edition of the Incubator Program the Fund received 69 treatment applications.

The 10 selected participants presented their projects in front of professionals and film students on 23 November in the crowded Toldi cinema in the heart of Budapest. At the end of the day, 5 projects were chosen - three by the professional jury and two by the audience - to be the films that will definitely go into production. Each project is being able to apply for a maximum of 200 000 euros, 70 000 euros if it is a documentary. Keep in mind the 25 % tax rebate: this way the budgets can be 87 000 euros (for documentary), 250 000 (for narrative feature).

HNFF Incubator Program Selection 2016  

A Boy / Egy fiú (documentary) by Alexa BAKONY Logline / Jasmin is a 16-year old who was born a woman, but inside, he is a man. He would like to start his life as Tobias. Unfortunately, he can’t transform until he becomes eighteen – the film follows this frustrating period.  

Guerilla (narrative feature) by György Mór KÁRPÁTI Logline / 1849 the end of the war of independence. Earlier Barnabás hid from conscription – now he takes the road to find his brother serving in a guerrilla group, and to join the fight.  

Impromptu (narrative feature) by Zoltán NAGY Logline / A coming-of-age story set in the contemporary countryside, where irresponsible teenager Dávid must stand up for a 13-year-old girl who is being molested by their old music teacher.  

No One's Going Anywhere / Senki nem megy sehova (narrative feature) by Attila HARTUNG Logline / An 18 year-old boy, full of angst, loves his parents and yet, when they have a serious accident out of town, he can’t face going to see them. Fleeing his own thoughts, he finds himself in the whirl of Budapest’s nightlife, where he eventually discovers who he really is.  

Tales from the Cell / Mesék a zárkából (documentary) by Ábel VISKY Logline / Fathers in prison write tales to their children based on which films will be made starring their own kids. This is a documentary about the liberating power of imagination breaking down barriers.   The Fund’s Development Prize

VHS (narrative feature) by Sándor CSOMA Logline / In the early 90s Emma and her father take off on a journey to Germany to acquire VHS cassettes with the newest American blockbusters. First they struggle to find a common tone, up until they cross roads with the mother who left her family behind to realize herself.    

HNFF Incubator Program Jury 2016 Zsuzsanna Bánkúti, distribution expert (Match Factory), Gabor Böszörményi, distributor (Mozinet), Réka Divinyi, screenwriter Lili Horváth, writer-director Attila Varró, university lecturer