Best Director Award for POST MORTEM

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival’s Critics Award for Best Director went to Pèter Bergendy for POST MORTEM. The creepy, period ghost story, starring Viktor Klem and Fruzsina Hais is the Official Hungarian Entry for the Academy Awards©.

The Dark Side of Movies - the horror film festival reminiscent of the dark side of cinema was held for the 19th time in the first week of November in Ravenna. In the international competition program, a professional jury of film critics awarded Péter Bergendy the Best Director Award for Post Mortem. The jury statement said that ’The thing we have appreciated the most in Post Mortem is the fact that the genre film becomes a metaphor of great intelligence to talk about the historic and geographical context. We believe that horror has always been one of the genres that are able to let us reflect on big historic moment, but this happens rarely with a few films. Post Mortem is one of them and that was a beautiful surprise for us’.  

Post Mortem (Photo: Attila Szvacsek / Szupermodern Stúdió)

Countless ghosts have been stuck in our world as a result of the destruction caused by World War I and the Spanish Flu epidemic. Tomás, the wandering post mortem photographer, gets to a haunted village after meeting a ten-year-old orphan girl, Anna, during the freezing winter of 1918. After experiencing the strange, supernatural phenomena, he decides to investigate the intentions of the ghosts. Anna accompanies Tomás's exploration through all its dangers, while the ghosts rave with fury.  

Post Mortem has been attending international film festivals for a year now, has been invited to about 30 film festivals, and has won several awards for the most popular genre films in Italy, Portugal, Spain and Canada. The main roles of the creepy ghost film that took place during the Spanish War after the First World War epidemic are Viktor Klem and Fruzsina Hais.  

The film was produced by Szupermodern Studio and the main producers were Tamás Lajos and Ábel Köves. Post Mortem is the Official Hungarian Entry for the Academy Awards©.  
