2017 , feature , digital , 91 minutes
history drama
PREMIER (HUNGARY): 2017. 4. 20.
On a sweltering August day in Hungary in 1945, villagers prepare for the wedding of the town clerk’s son. Meanwhile, two strangers arrive at the village train station with mysterious boxes labelled ‘fragrances’. The villagers are afraid that survivors will return, posing a threat to the properties and possessions they acquired during the war.
Ferenc Török | Director |
Gábor T. Szántó , Ferenc Török | Screenplay |
Krisztina Esztergályos | Story editor |
Elemér Ragályi | Director of photography |
Béla Barsi | Editor |
Tibor Szemző | Music |
Péter Benjámin Lukács, Tamás Dévényi, Tamás Zányi | Sound |
László Rajk | Visual design |
Sosa Juristovszky | Costumes |
Iván Angelusz, Péter Reich, Ferenc Török | Producer |
Katapult Film | Production company |
Péter Rudolf, Ági Szirtes, József Szarvas, Eszter Nagy-Kálózy, Iván Angelus, Marcell Nagy, Dóra Sztarenki, Tamás Szabó Kimmel, István Znamenák, Sándor Terhes, Miklós Székely B., György Somhegyi, Tünde Szalontay, Béla Gados | Cast |
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