Wroclaw New Horizons IFF


web: http://www.nowehoryzonty.pl

Poland, 2017.08.03. - 2017.08.13.

NEW HORIZONS Film Festival in Wroclaw, Poland - until 2007 the festival took place in Cieszyn.

The biggest film festival in Poland - ERA New Horizons International Film Festival, est. 2001, is the biggest film festival in Poland and it is regarded as one of the most important film events in Central Europe. The festival presents uncompromising, innovative and original cinema from all over the world that explores new horizons in film language, expression and storytelling.

The festival has also a strong focus on music and contemporary art and organizes live music concerts every evening and art installations and performances throughout the city.

New Horizons international competition
Films on Art competition
European Debut Shorts competition


The Man from London
A Guest of Life - Alexander Csoma De Körös
Delta (versenyben)
Slow Mirror (versenyben)
I am Not Your Friend
Opium - Diary of a Madwoman
Own Death (versenyben)
With a Little Patience
Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project
Puskás Hungary
The Turin Horse
Werckmeister Harmonies
The Gravedigger - Special Mention (versenyben) (nyert)
Tender Son - The Frankenstein Project
Opium - Diary of a Madwoman
Just the Wind
Free Fall
Liza, the Fox-Fairy
Son of Saul
The Turin Horse
Jupiter's Moon
On Body and Soul (versenyben)
The Gravedigger - FIPRESCI Prize (versenyben) (nyert)
One Day (versenyben)
On Body and Soul

Ha hibát, pontatlanságokat talál, kérjük, jelezze a nfi@nfi.hu email-címen, ahol az adatbázissal kapcsolatos egyéb észrevételeit is szívesen várjuk!

Magyar filmek fesztiválon



Filmipari képzési program


Location office