Camino Ignaciano

Szent Ignác útja Original title
2021 Release
94 min Runtime
Ferenc Tolvaly Director
Attila Csáky Producer
Josep Lluís Iriberri SJ, Benjamin Beeri, Júlia Kovács, Katalin Asztalos, Balázs Szalma Cast


The 90-minute documentary, shot at historic sites, shows the soul journey of the founder of the Society of Jesus, the world’s largest order of monks, active in 112 countries, through a pilgrimage of four women and men of different nationalities.

Their spiritual guide is the protagonist of the film, a Spanish Jesuit who is also the viewer's soul travel guide.  He directs the pilgrims as the alter ego of St. Ignatius, recounting the experience of the founder from five hundred years ago on the 640-kilometer road from Loyola to Manresa,  illustrating to viewers the spiritual practice of St. Ignatius. The goal of this is an aim at a more complete, quality over quantity lifestyle also in harmony with culture and history. The protagonist of the film leads the pilgrims based on the writings of St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises, which have shaped the image of the church and the lives of those who came in contact with it since the modern age. The road, like a spiritual bridge, “connects” the past and the present.  The documentary also presents Spain’s lesser-known historical sites, architectural masterpieces, the unique beauty of the natural landscape, and local traditions and religious festivals.

The message of the journey presented in the film is still eternal today: by calling to and knowing God, every life can change, renew, as Ignatius once did. His life journey, his pilgrimage, encourages us to examine ourselves and leads to self-awareness. However, as the film implies, everyone must find their own path.