The moving story of Vuk, the little orphan fox, has remained the most beloved feature-length Hungarian cartoon ever. Having captured the public as a TV series, the film version welcomed a total of over 2 million viewers. The director Attila Dargay did not turn away from Walt Disney’s traditions, which he held in high esteem: both István Fekete’s touching story and Dargay’s cheerful characters appealed to children’s minds.
Produced by Pannónia Filmstúdió, Directed by Attila Dargay, Written by István Fekete, Screenplay by Attila Dargay, István Imre, Ede Tarbay, Director of Photography Irén Henrik, Music by Péter Wolf, Sound by Péter Bársony, Background Design by Gizella N. Csató, Edited by Magda Hap, János Czipauer, Voices Judit Pogány (young Vuk), József Gyabronka (adult Vuk), László Csákányi (Karak), Head of Studio Dr. György Matolcsy.
Language: Hungarian
Audio: 2.0
Subtitles: English
Format 4:3 (1.33:1)
Running Time 74’
Bonus Features:
The Three Rabbits, Directed by Attila Dargay Attila 1972 7‘
Irén Henrik and Judit Pogány on the filming of Vuk, Directed by Péter Szalay 2011 12’
Published and distributed by Hungarian National Film Fund – Film Archive, 2017