The Corporal and the Others

Hungarian black and white comedy, 1965, directed by Márton Keleti – Bonus features with Imre Sinkovits and newsreels from the period.

In Hungary, a country subject to the „draughts of history”, in 1945, as a matter of course, deserters combine to make up a little partisan detachment, headed by a cunning corporal. The little man of Eastern Europe tries to survive both, the Hungarian and the German Nazis, by undergoing countless perils, and he is not too much surprised when faced by a Russian soldier with a machine-gun from behind the fruit jars.

Produced by MAFILM 3. Játékfilmstúdió, Directed by Márton Keleti, Screenplay by Imre Dobozy, Péter Szász, Cast: Imre Sinkovits, Iván Darvas, Tamás Major, György Pálos, László Kozák, László Márkus, Director of Photography: István Pásztor, Music by István Sárközi, Set Designer: László Duba, Costume Designer: Piroska Katona, Edited by Mihály Morell, Head of Studio: János Herskó

Language: Hungarian
Audio: 2.0
Colour: Black and white
Subtitles: English
Format 16:9 (1.85:1)
Running Time: 101’

Bonus Features: 
Sinkovits Imre a filmről, MTV 1983, 5’ 
Híradótudósítás a játékfilmszemléről, MFH 1965/46, 4’

Published and distributed by Hungarian National Film Fund – Film Archive, 2017