Pom Pom Tales 2
The series based on fairytales by István Csukás was one of the most popular cartoons of the eighties. Pom Pom, the amazing transfiguration artist, usually settled on Tiny’s head, always knows some funny story about what is happening. Attila Dargay’s inimitable gags and Ferenc Sajdik’s amusing caricatures have been the children’s fun for generations.
13 individual fairytales
Produced by Pannónia Filmstúdió, Directed by Attila Dargay, Written by István Csukás, Graphic Design by Ferenc Sajdik, Background Design by Gizella N. Csathó, Gabriella Szálas, Director of Photography Zoltán Bacsó, Music by Zsolt Pethő, Edited by Magda Hap, Voices: József Petrik József (Pom Pom), Klára Kovács (Picur), László Csákányi (Gombóc Artúr), Head of Studio: Dr. György Matolcsy
Published and distributed by Hungarian National Film Fund – Film Archive, 2017