Behind the Column

2017 , feature , 87 minutes

PREMIER (HUNGARY): 2017. 9. 21.

This film examines the career of an unsuccessful actor who suddenly finds himself pulled from the wings to become the leading stage director in a theatre, where he struggles to achieve his own dreams and battles to keep the company together. Set in the world of modern theatrical life, this satire, due to its very nature, has a certain sense of the surreal.

“This story was inspired by 13 years spent working in theatre and is built out of my own experiences, imagination and stifled aspirations. Spend this long in the profession and you soon see the viciousness beyond the velvet. The ‘temple of culture’ provides the perfect setting for sharp satire with a complex cast of charismatic characters from the all-powerful porter to the back-office harpies. That’s the story I want to tell.” Csaba Vékes


Csaba Vékes Director
Csaba Vékes Screenplay
Dániel Bálint Director of photography
Balázs Gotthárdi Editor
Márton Kovács Music
Máté Péterffy, Rudolf Várhegyi, Lajos Érsek Sound
Csaba Vékes, Gábor Herendi, Péter Fancsikai, Zsolt Szentesi, Eszter Fancsikai Producer
Skyfilm Studio Production company
Gergely Bánki, Zoltán Bezerédi, Ervin Nagy, Gábor Dióssi, László Felhőfi- Kiss , Edit Majzik, Tamás Mohai, Tünde Murányi, Hanna Pálos, Szabolcs Ruszina, Mercédesz Kalocsai, Dénes Ujlaki, Gábor Ónodi, Ilona Sárközi-Nagy Cast


Montreal The World Film Festival - 2017 (in competition)
Cluj-Napoca Comedy Cluj - 2018 (in competition)

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