Les Arcs European Film Festival


web: http://lesarcs-filmfest.com

France, 2013.12.14. - 2013.12.21.

Founded in 2009

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The festival proposes an ambitious programming, mostly unprecedented in France. It is composed of more than 50 long features all originating from European countries  and projected in the 6 movie theatres of the resort:
•5 major European films (previews)
•10 films in Official Competition for the Crystal Arrow award
•10 European award-winning films in their native countries in Panorama
• Country Focus - guest of honour country
•8 « classical » films dedicated to the younger members of the public.


Being Julia
The Investigator
White Palms
Iska's Journey
The History of Aviation
Before Dawn
Closing Time
The Counterpart
With a Little Patience
Adrienn Pál (versenyben)
Le Grand Cahier - <p>Young Jury Prize </p> (versenyben) (nyert)
Kills on Wheels
It's Not the Time of My Life
Fresh Air
Superbia (versenyben)
Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown - Award for Best Acting (versenyben) (nyert)

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