Lecce European Cinema Festival


web: http://www.festivaldelcinemaeuropeo.com

Italy, 2016.04.18. - 2016.04.23.

The European Cinema Festival of Lecce is organized by the cultural association Art Promotion.
The Municipality of Lecce, the Italian Ministry of Culture, Apulia Regional Administration, the Province of Lecce and the University of Lecce support the event.
Founded in 1999.

All movies in the competitive section will be sifted out by an International Jury that will award the Best Film with the Golden Olive Tree.


Before Dawn
Happy New Life (versenyben)
Dealer - <p>Special Prize for Direction, Best Cinematographer: P&eacute;ter Szatm&aacute;ri</p> (versenyben) (nyert)
Guarded Secrets - Best Actress: Eszter Bagaméri (versenyben) (nyert)
Tranquility - Best Cinematography (versenyben) (nyert)
Passport - Golden Olive (main prize) (versenyben) (nyert)
Vagabond (versenyben)
Lily Lane - <p>Golden Olive Tree (main prize) </p> (versenyben) (nyert)
The Carer
On Body and Soul
Simon the Magician - Golden Olive Tree (main prize) (versenyben) (nyert)
On Body and Soul - Golden Olive Tree Award for Career Achievement (versenyben) (nyert)
Genesis - Best Cinematography (versenyben) (nyert)
Genesis - Cineuropa Award (versenyben) (nyert)
Genesis - Agiscuola Student Jury Award (versenyben) (nyert)

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Magyar filmek fesztiválon



Filmipari képzési program


Location office